Monday, January 27, 2014

Technology detox

Adam and I decided at the beginning of January we were going to try to reduce the amount of screen time we were consuming as a family. I deleted Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest from my phone. The kids kindles were put away. The tv was unplugged. A passcode was engaged on the iPad to keep tiny swipers from grabbing it off of their Dad's desk for an angry birds fix.

I'm not even going to try to lie and make myself look good here, I had no idea how much time I was wasting. I didn't realize how often my kids would pick up a tablet and zone out. I was oblivious as to how much sleep I was giving up to watch a documentary on Netflix after the kids went to bed.

This has been the longest month of my life. In more ways than one.

I have already read 4 books. I read a 350 page tell-all in less than 48 hours. My kids have used up two 96 count boxes of crayons. Beckham has amazingly started recognizing and reading words that I haven't specifically taught him. Abby has read 7 chapter books. Jonas plays with mixing bowls full of soapy water in the kitchen sink, baptizing all of his super heroes (that's a preacher's kid for you). They play board games, and when they get tired of playing board games they make up new rules. They all 3 spread out a blanket each morning for "Teacher Abby's exercise class". Legos....oh, the Legos.  And the month isn't over yet.

I was surprised at the amount of time the kids were spending with technology, but I am even more surprised at how quickly they forgot about it. They have gone for days without even mentioning their long time buddies, Phineas and Ferb.

I'll admit that this probably wasn't the best month to try a task this large. The weather has been horrendous bringing the worst winter storm central Illinois has seen in 20 years, with wind chills of -30. We can't go outside. Church has been cancelled on several occasions. We have cabin fever, bad. Just this afternoon Jonas brought me a watch and asked "Is it still January?".

The kids playing with snow in the bathtub. 

Abby and Beckham drew and cut out every character and weapon from Despicable Me 2

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