Saturday, April 9, 2011

Eating Crow

Confession time. When Abby was born I made a lot of "I'll never let my kids...." and "My kids will always..." types of statements.  For 3 years and 3 months, I was on a mothering induced ego trip. Abby was sleeping through the night by 8 weeks, completely potty trained at 22 months, way advanced in memory, reasoning and vocabulary skills, and acted like an angel when I had her out in public. I was an awesomely awesome Mom.

Then Beckham was born.

I was thrilled to have another baby, but he was a hard baby. Acid reflux caused him to scream upwards of 10-12 hours a day. We started giving him Zantac when he was 6 weeks, and it cut the screaming in half. He wouldn't sleep...ever. I tried holding him, rocking him, bouncy seat, stroller, baths, music, drives in the car, pacifiers, and baby swings. He hated it all. The only thing that ever worked was standing outside with him in the fresh air. He was relentless.

After 15 months he started sleeping at night and he learned how to walk. His personality started to change, he would actually smile at people. And he became hyper. He started doing most of the things I said my kids would never do. He screamed in Wal-mart, he slept in our bed, and to this day, he still poops his pants. He has flushed underwear down the toilet, jumped off the couch breaking two bones in his foot, run into the dining room table causing a black eye, chipped one of his front teeth on the coffee table, and shoved a debit card so far inside the power window of my van it disconnected the wires and now the window won't roll up or down. Just to name a few.

Looking back, Abby wasn't an extremely easy baby because of my parenting skills. It was her nature to be agreeable. Beckham isn't hyper and loud because I've encouraged that behavior. It's his nature.

He turned 3 years old this week and when you look past his hyperactivity and annoying habits, he is a kind hearted, super sweet little boy. He often tells me "You my bess fwenn". He can make me feel like a million bucks.

1 comment:

  1. You just wrote about me and my son Ethan. he too was a hard baby. Nothing made him happy and I tried everything...but now he is this most amazing funny little person (who is 18 months and has yet to sleep through the night)that I couldn't picture my life with out. I call it second child syndrome and because of it I refuse to have a third but I hear the third child is the best because they are so laid back. I, however, don't want to take the chance. Two kids 10 months apart is good for me!
