Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Me, Mary Poppins and Jesus

If you want to find out how selfish you really are, get married. Then have a lot of kids.

Since announcing the upcoming arrival of our 5th child, we have received a lot of feedback. Lots of sincere congratulations mixed with a lot of typical, mindless comments.
"Don't you know what causes that?"
"Are you ever going to stop?"
"Are you trying to beat the Duggars?"

But the one that continues to surprise me the most is...
"I just wouldn't have the patience for that"

Each time that comment is mentioned, there is an implication that I actually do, in fact, have the patience for it. I'll let you in on a secret: I don't. A lady who follows me on Instagram recently asked me "Your kids are always doing something, don't you ever just lose it?". The answer? Yes, yes I do.

I stay at home and homeschool our 4 kids...our 4 immature, uncivilized, impulsive, selfish, childish children. Anyone who has been around me and my kids for longer than an hour knows there is a lot of impatience. It's not surprising for my kids to dig in the refrigerator, spill a container of sour cream on the kitchen floor, leave pajamas strewn around the bathroom, unwind the toilet paper, pour a bowl of cereal bigger than they could ever eat, and drink juice boxes that they know are only for bringing on trips in the van. And they do it all before 9am. 

Like, I'm not kidding. They did ALL of those things THIS MORNING, before 9am. 

And, unfortunately, I wasn't born with a nature like Mary Poppins. Or Jesus.

As a mother with an inborn nature to sin, there are lots and lots of days when I can look at the situation in front of me and feel completely justified in my impatience. After all, my kids are immature, uncivilized, impulsive, selfish, and childish children. 

As a born-again Christian who strives to have the fruits of the spirit developed in me, I realize the problem isn't immature children. It isn't unacceptable when a 4 year old boy spills sour cream on the kitchen floor (at 7:30am). However, it is unacceptable for his mother to respond with anger and frustration. Patience is still one of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

I have multiple opportunities each day to lash out in easily justified frustration. I can also use those same opportunities to obey scripture's command, call my behavior what it actually is (sin), crucify my sin nature, and foster the fruits of the spirit.

There are many times I've had to apologize to my children for the way I spoke to them in my moments of anger or frustration. Like this afternoon, in the van when Abby was holding her hand over Beckham's mouth while he was trying to tell me something. I don't know why it made me so mad, but it did.

Everyday I have to remind myself that I am in control of my actions, and everyday I strive to be more like Mary Poppins. And Jesus.

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