Sunday, December 11, 2011

Following in my footsteps

I get tired of my kids doing annoying, impulsive, immature things. Abby is almost 7,  Beckham is 3 1/2, and today I decided that enough was enough.

The kids have a bad habit of taking off their jackets, hats, socks and shoes in the van. When we are ready to get of out the van, they look like orphans who were drug through a rat hole backwards. I have to get them re-dressed and re-comb their hair before we can go in a store, or in today's case, church. They do the same thing as we are on our way home but I don't pay as much attention, because by the time we get home, I don't really care what they look like.

We were getting ready to go to Church this evening and I was running low on patience (cut me some slack, I tried to take a nap and woke up feeling worse. I hate that.) After I got the kids dressed, I couldn't find their shoes or jackets anywhere. After a few minutes they admitted they hadn't worn them back into the house when we came home from Sunday school this morning. This is the time that I started saying things that any loving, christian mother would say, like: "I get sick and tired of..." and "It really makes Mommy mad when..." or "If you do that one more time..."

My ever-so-patient husband could see that the situation was spiraling out of control, so he finished getting them ready and took them out to the van so I could have a few moments peace. As I restocked the diaper bag and walked through the house shutting off lights I was muttering to myself about the things my kids had done to aggravate and inconvenience me. I was finally ready to leave the house, and join the rest of the family in the van. I walked to the front door and looked for my shoes. In that moment I realized,

I left my shoes in the van.



  1. BAHAHAHAHA!!! Brilliant! Nice to know our kids aren't the only ones who do this. It looks like the rapture took place when we get out of the van, with all the childless clothes-carcasses laying about. Great post.

  2. GREAT! Good lesson to be learned here.
