Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sleep: Solorio Style

If I have ever been good at one thing, it's sleeping. I am talented at both falling asleep, and staying asleep. Unfortunately, my kids don't possess the same great quality.

Abby is a really great sleeper...after she falls asleep. For an hour after bedtime each night, she needs one more: Drink, story, snack, trip to the bathroom, snuggle, kiss, and hug. She has to recap the events of the day, and plan tomorrow's agenda before she feels the mental release to finally fall asleep. She has been sleeping roughly 9-12 hours every night since she was 8 weeks.

Beckham needs no sleep. He thinks sleeping is only going to rob him of precious time he could spend on more important things such as jumping off the couch, or spraying the garden hose. To bribe him at nap or bedtime I will say things like "When you wake up, we are going to the park" and he always responds with "But, I'm already awake!". He didn't sleep through the night until he was 15 months, and it has only happened 4 times since.

Jonas is pretty middle of the road. He is easy to get off to sleep, but tends to wake frequently during the night. When he wakes during the night, he's like a heat seeking missile and has only one thing on his mind: Must find Mom.

During Jonas' 4 month check-up, the nurse asked me if he was sleeping through the night. I literally laughed as I told her Jonas was still waking 4-5 times each night. She said "No wonder you look so tired! You should really try to get a nap everyday." Gee, thanks for the suggestion lady. I'll put the kids in their kennels and take a nap after lunch.

Since I am very strongly opposed to letting babies and kids 'cry it out',  a typical night includes getting up a couple times to deal with the boys. I can handle getting up a couple times. Then there are some nights that the kids view the parent's bed as being an Ellis Island for night time immigrants with the motto, "....give us the restless, the scared, the nursing". Those nights can be brutal. Last night was one of those nights.

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