Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Velveeta isn't cheese.

I ran in a grocery store this morning to pick up a few things. One of the things on my list was butter. Simple enough. Since this wasn't the store I typically use, I had to look for the things on my list and it took me a minute to find the butter. I had to take a picture of this, because there are over 20 varieties of margarine, Country crock, "I can't believe it's not butter", and Smart balance. None of those products are butter. When I finally found the actual butter there were 4 kinds to choose from: Name brand/Store brand and Salted/Un-salted.

It is so easy to buy margarine. It (kinda) looks like butter, it (almost) tastes like butter, and it's cheaper than butter. I still don't know how it is possible to start with a real potato and turn it into dry flakes that will magically turn back into a recognizable potato substance when you add warm milk. Why not just mash an actual potato? Have you ever eaten a cut of quality meat that tasted like a hot dog? Have you ever wondered what exactly is in Velveeta to make it melt so much "better" than actual cheese? Velveeta isn't real cheese, and everybody knows it.

I started getting interested in organic food after Beckham was born (I develop new quirks with each kid). I have read a stack of books, countless articles, and watched a few documentaries about the quality of food that is readily available. The more I read, watch, and learn, the more I am persuaded that natural food is what we are really supposed to be eating.

Adam was skeptical at first. He was super skeptical after he saw the price difference. After he found out how much I was paying for organic chickens, he wanted to know if we were eating them for dinner or sending them to college. He half expected organic milk to taste like grass.

When you eat organic food, you don't have to worry about High fructose corn syruphydrogenated oils, Artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. Meat, milk, cheese, and eggs are hormone and antibiotic free. Fruit and vegetables weren't sprayed with pesticides. Bottom line, organic food is not modified or tampered with.

Check it out for yourself. Read some articles, or watch "Food Inc."
Here is the trailer:

We live in a rural community, and organic choices aren't abundant in the grocery stores yet. I buy as much as I can find (and afford!). And yes, my kids have had Chicken McNuggets and Dorito's. They've never had a hotdog, I have to draw the line somewhere.


  1. I find the grocery store very overwhelming! I go in with good intentions and two hours later i'm eating a box of donut's on the way home because I am so depressed. I need to be more organized before I go, I think that's the key. The retail business just amazes me with all their fancy packages, cartoon characters, false healthy advertisments, it's all lies. Yes, healthy food is expensive, but healthcare is much more expensive!!

  2. The key to the grocery store is eating first and making a list! I've actually had good results with ordering from home for delivery, because I can take the time to find the sales and specials that I really need. It's about $15 more because of delivery charge and tip, but I think I save more than that (plus no carrying heavy stuff home haha)
