Friday, June 17, 2011

Half Birthday!

Our happy, happy baby boy is 6 months old! He is so much fun to have in our home. Abby and Beckham both love him to pieces (which is funny, considering how much they dislike each other). He has been rolling for a few weeks now, and just in the last few days he has been sitting on his own. I wasn't emotionally prepared for how big he would look sitting by himself. 

Jonas has slept in the bed with Adam and I since he came home from the hospital (well, he slept in the bed with me at the hospital), but has recently shown signs of being ready for his own bed. He has developed his own bedtime in the last few weeks, and has been sleeping a 4-6 hour stretch the first half of the night. After consulting with some of my co-sleeping-mommy-friend-experts, I think he might start getting more sleep in his own bed. He is twice the size he was in the beginning, and unfortunately our queen size bed hasn't gotten any bigger! His second night in the crib, he slept a 9 hour stretch (no crying involved)! The last two nights haven't been quite that good but I'm happy with baby steps. ;)

Since he is 6 months now, I have been thinking about what I will do about starting solids. Doctors now recommend starting cereal about 4 months, veggies at 6 months, and fruit soon after. I haven't done any of that yet, because I hate baby food! I'm considering just waiting another few weeks and starting him out eating fresh steamed vegetable chunks and skipping the spoon feeding phase.

Here are some pictures from his half birthday, he is such a Goobie!

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