Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Annoying/Amazing Husband

Adam and I have been married almost 8 years. After we had been married a couple of years, he started getting on my nerves. Really getting on my nerves. His super annoying habits were driving me crazy. Let me give you some examples:

-He washes dishes in the sink before he puts them in the dishwasher.
-He wants the Tomtom blaring directions, and we aren't even traveling 10 miles from home.
-He eats way too much junk food.
-He washes out empty milk jugs before taking them to the outside trash can.
-He thinks throwing dirty clothes in the corner of the bathroom is equal to putting them in the hamper.
-He goes shopping for something specific, finds exactly what he is looking for, and decides he doesn't want it after all.
-He asks the waitress a dozen questions about the chicken noodle soup, and then orders the potato soup.
-He starts every drive-thru order with a long, drawn out "Uhhhhhh......."

I could do this all day.

Then a friend loaned me the book, "The proper care and feeding of Husbands" authored by Dr. Laura. It was such a slap in the face. I realized how wrong I was. I've been reminded of that again in the last few days. Somebody has been asking Adam's advice on how to help her friend who is in an emotionally, verbally, and borderline physically abusive marriage.

Shame on me.

Adam has never been emotionally, verbally, or physically abusive to me or our children (or anybody for that matter). He provides enough income to make it possible for me to stay home with our kids and he has never held that over my head. Every time I get dressed and fix my hair for church, he tells me he thinks I'm beautiful. He tucks our kids in bed, and prays with them every night. He has never griped at me when our house is a mess, or when dinner is gross. He surprises me with gifts all the time.

Just to name a few.

Everyday when I wake up I have to make a conscious decision to look past the annoying habits and appreciate the good qualities. When he is 15 minutes late coming home, I don't have to worry about him being with another woman. He is probably just at the gas station buying chocolate milk and donuts.

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