Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Swiss Cheese, Day 1

Yesterday was the first day of household management using the Swiss cheese method: Putting small holes in a project instead of going at it "all or nothing". Not good.

I woke up tired, and that is a terrible way to start the week. The baby was up 5 or 6 times the night before, and I didn't get much rest at all. Strike 1.
In the afternoon I had to start getting everybody ready to leave the house. Adam and I were going to a Minister's dinner and business meeting. I ended up having a mild-to-moderate freak out because I, of course, have nothing to wear. Strike 2.
After Adam talked me down off the ledge (he's a prince), I decided to wear clothes I hate and go out for the evening anyway. I got dressed and started to fix my hair, and discovered I have no hairspray. When you are dealing with 48 inches of straight and stringy hair, hairspray is not a luxury- it's a necessity. Strike 3.

On the bright side, Abby's had a great school day and I enjoyed getting out of the house. I am also keeping track of how many loads of laundry I wash this year, and yesterday I washed loads 99 and 100. That made me feel better, like I had somehow hit a milestone.

The baby slept better last night, and I woke up with more energy than yesterday. Today is a new day, I'm going to try again.

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