Thursday, March 10, 2011

Home organization, or lack thereof

I've got a few people fooled into thinking I'm organized. Those people have never been inside my house.

I read an article a while back that diagnosed me as a "Discouraged perfectionist". I have huge plans to organize my kitchen cabinets, and it will be done perfectly when I buy all the perfect supplies, and I wait for the perfect time. Basically, I'll never get my cabinets organized. I want to do it the right way, but actually getting started is too overwhelming.

One of my friends loaned me the book Organizing Magic last week, and it's just what I needed. It has talked me into trying a moderate approach to crossing tasks off the to-do list. I'm beginning to think I don't have to do things perfectly, I just have to do SOMETHING! Something is better than nothing. It sounds easy enough.

This "just do something" approach works quite well for my Sister. I was at her house one evening and she decides on a whim she is going to paint a wall in her dining room. She scrounged around and found a paint brush and roller (I would have waited until I went to Lowe's and bought new painting supplies) and started right in. After she started painting, she realized she needed to tape off the trim and ceiling, but didn't have any painter's tape. This is the part where the "Discouraged perfectionist" in me would throw in the towel, but it didn't slow my sister down. She used electrical tape- I'm not kidding. The moral of the story: It didn't matter what tape she used, she got the job done.

I'm going to try this new method starting Monday. I couldn't start today, it wasn't the perfect time.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! That's my sister!!!! She is so laid-back it drives me crazy...she never buys new paint. She goes to the Thrift Store and buys whatever they have, takes it home and mixes her own!!!! It comes out beautiful. I tried that once....all I got was Gun Metal Gray. Great.
